I had to
approach this blog a little differently as all of the students and faculty
members in the program are American or have spent an extended amount of time in
America. With that in mind I decided to interview Yendry Arguedas, the program coordinator
and Graciella one of the cooks on campus. Yendry speaks fluent English so I was
able to talk to her on my own and she responded pretty directly to the
interview questions. Graciella however, speaks no English so I asked another
student who is fluent in Spanish to help translate for me. However, because of
the language barrier our interview got a little off track and Graciella spoke
more broadly about Americans and the students she’s encountered rather than
respond directly to my interview questions. Both of the interviews have been
slightly paraphrased for the blog simply because they devolved into
conversations and I didn’t write down everything we talked about.
Yendry Arguedas (Program Coordinator)
Yendry Arguedas (Program Coordinator)
How do you view America and Americans?
I think
Americans are a lot like Costa Ricans, or Costa Ricans are a lot like
Americans? Both are friendly, although Costa Ricans are a little friendlier
than Americans, and both seem to like to have fun and to talk. Americans aren’t
as funny as Costa Ricans, and don’t seem to place as much value on family, not
that they don’t love their families, but family has a stronger influence on
Costa Ricans. But overall I really like Americans.
What do you base your opinions of
American’s on?
I’ve worked
this job for many many years and the majority of students who join our program
are American. I interact with them daily and spend my time planning trips and accommodations
for them so I feel like I have a good idea of what Americans are like. Even
before I had this job my family has lived for generations right across from the
center (that’s what we call campus) and I’ve seen Americans since I was a
little kid. My family used to host students on family host day.
Then ask them to describe you personally
and share a story about you.
hasn’t interacted with just me and didn’t have any specific stories about me.
She did describe me though.
You seem quiet, but very kind. You’re always ready to laugh and smile and seem like a good friend.
You seem quiet, but very kind. You’re always ready to laugh and smile and seem like a good friend.
Did I fit your image of what America and Americans
are like and why or why not?
You are a
little quieter than most of the Americans I know, but I’ve met Americans like
you before. I’ve met a lot of American’s over the years so I think I have a
pretty broad perception of what they’re like.
From left to right Trent, Scarlet, and Yendry laughing at lunch
As I said earlier Graciella’s interview
was more of a conversation where I mostly let her talk about Americans. I had another student Jenny translate for me, so she is referenced in the interview below. Also,
since Graciella is the cook at the center and before that had cooked at a restaurant
in town that served Costa Rican and American type food she referenced American
food a lot while talking about Americans.
What is your perception of Americans?
nice, a little bit more daring than Costa Ricans. Americans are less reserved
but also more uptight. They really care about their schedule and about things
happening on time. When I worked at the restaurant in town American customers
tended to be more concerned about when their food was coming, and if it was
coming quickly than any of the Costa Rican customers. I do like that American’s
eat a wider variety of foods, although some of them are really strange. Soy
Sauce is so salty… why do you like it? And pancakes! They’re so heavy and sweet
how can they be good at breakfast? It's more like dessert. Lasagna though is really good, I’m glad I
get to make that for the students.
Do I (or Jenny) fit your idea of America
or Americans?
She nodded her head here and then did
really have anything else to say so I had Jenny ask her if anyone in our group
had surprised her. She
said Travis (who is the student activities manager and from America) is Costa
Rican at heart. He has the Costa Rican sense of humor. She also said we like
our juice really sour and doesn’t understand why we don’t add more sugar to it.
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